Asylum System > Current state

What is the status of my asylum application?
You are recognized as a refugee, if you have left your country for fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group. Persecution can emanate from the state, a party or organization. The right arises from the Geneva Convention (GFK).
Consequence: residence permit for 3 years followed by a re-examination.
This law protects people at risk of political persecution in their home country. This protection can only be granted if the persecution emanates from the state or a state organization. The asylum law protects those who are injured severely in their human dignity because of their political views or religion. Emergencies such as poverty or civil war therefore do not qualify for asylum. The right to asylum is secured in the German Basic Law.
Consequence: residence permit for 3 years followed by re-examination.
Subsidiary protection:
This protection is suitable for a person who is neither entitled to asylum, nor the protection of a refugee. Still the escape has to be because of an important reason like a life threatening danger in the hometown. This is for example the case in the imposition of a death penalty, torture or inhuman treatment, as well as indiscriminate violence against civilians in situations of armed conflicts.
Consequence: residence permit for 1 year, after that a renewal for 2 additional years is possible.
This protection can be granted only if the aforementioned rights are not possible. A deportation ban can enter into force when the parties concerned face a significant risk because of the deportation, or where the deportation is against the European Convention on Human Rights. This is the case if an existing disease could be extremely aggravated by deporting or if the country of origin is missing necessary treatments.
Consequence: residence 1 year
Can you please tell me how to apply for asylum?
Können Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich einen Asylantrag stelle?
Where can I get a residence permit?
Wo erhalte ich eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung?
I speak/ don't speak German.
Ich spreche Deutsch./ Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
I need an interpreter.
Ich benötige einen Dolmetscher.
I fled from my home country ...
Ich bin aus meinem Heimatland geflohen …
... because there's a war.
... weil dort Krieg herrscht.
... because I was persecuted.
... weil ich verfolgt wurde.
... because I had no other options.
... weil ich keine anderen Perspektiven hatte.
I have the following documents ... (Photos, Documents,...)
Ich habe folgende Belege ... (Fotos, Dokumente, ...)
What is the result of my application for asylum.
Wie ist das Ergebnis meines Asylantrags?
I would like to appeal against my rejection notice.
Ich möchte gegen meinen Ablehnungsbescheid Widerspruch einlegen.
I need a lawyer.
Ich benötige einen Rechtsanwalt.
I have no financial funds for a counseling.
Ich habe keine finanziellen Mittel, um Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
I can/can't prove my indigence.
Ich kann meine Bedürftigkeit nachweisen/nicht nachweisen.